Diesel Fuels Specialists
An emergency power system is only as reliable as it’s power source.
With over 15 years in the Diesel Fuel Industry and a vast network of vetted strategic partners, Mongoose Power Diesel Fuels Specialists is taking fuel quality to a new level, helping create a new industry standard to better ensure the reliability and operability of your emergency power system’s power source.

Contact us for any of your maintenance needs. Provided services include but are not limited to the following:
- Fuel Sampling
- Fuel Additives
- Mobile Diesel Fuels Filtration
- Permanent Filtration Systems
- Diesel Fuel Tank Fittings
- Diesel Fuel Tank Maintenance
- Diesel Fuel Tank Design & Planning
- Consulting Services
- Training Services
- Code Compliance Support
- SP001 AST Certified
- & More
Does your facility have access to natural gas? If so, contact us to learn how you can reduce your diesel fuel emissions using your existing equipment with some retrofits – and during emergency standby operations.
Where does your power come from in a diesel generator or diesel fire pump? You guessed it, the DIESEL FUEL.
You can provide all the maintenance you want to the generator itself, but if the diesel fuel is not maintained, how can you guarantee the operability and reliability of your emergency power system?
Diesel fuel maintenance is not as easy as pulling at least annual sample per ASTM standards, like many regulations suggest. A properly executed diesel fuel maintenance program starts as early as your tank installation and first fuel fill and continues until the tank is decommissioned.
A well implemented diesel fuel maintenance program includes but is not limited to:
- Fuel Procurement
- Tank Integrity
- Fuel Sampling
- Fuel Additives
- Polishing and Filtration
Contact Us
Whether you are looking for Diesel Fuel Services to be performed on your equipment OR you want to learn more about how to implement your own in-house fuel maintenance program, Mongoose Power Diesel Fuel Specialists are here to help. Contact us for more information, fuel@mongoosepowersolutions.com.