
Where You’ll Find Mongoose Power Solutions

Where You’ll Find Mongoose Power Solutions

Mongoose Power Solutions is an onsite power advocate and diesel fuels specialist. We don’t just help you check a box. We help you find the best, most effective and efficient solutions for your facilities. One way to do this is by attending conferences and events to network and learn about emerging technologies in our industry that can support you, our customers. Click here to see where you’ll find us this year.

Find Your True North with Veteran and Motivational Speaker Ben Killoy

Find Your True North with Veteran and Motivational Speaker Ben Killoy

One of the fantastic aspects of conferences is that you have a group of people with similar, but different dreams, all at different stages in their journey. You are always one hello away from a completely different perspective on life and business. By saying no to attending the upcoming NorthEastern Emergency Power Conference, you are essentially agreeing to pay the cost of not knowing how to get to the next level for another year.

NH Based Mongoose Power Solutions Receives Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) Certification

Mongoose Power Solutions LLC, a NH-based and 100% woman owned business that serves as an onsite power industry advocate and diesel fuel specialist service provider focused on the onsite power / generator (emergency power) industry, is proud to announce it has been officially certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). This prestigious certification acknowledges that Mongoose Power Solutions is a woman-owned and -operated business that meets the rigorous standards of the WBENC. 


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